Tuesday, 23 September 2008

The new media monks!

The first week of my new work has gone, and I'm ready for a new short post.
A lot has changed since my last post. I'm no lucky blogging bastard anymore
as such, now yet a lucky bastard in another meaning, as I'm doing the thing again what I really do with passion and obligation; working with video cameras and editing software, creating short film's and documentaries. I'm not really doing it my self as such, but teaching or guiding the students and teachers at the college to create their own stories.
A project like this is new to the school, so my two new colleagues - Jason from New Zealand
and Noah from United States- and I, started on the job on this day, one week ago in an empty room, which was going to host the new media studio at Renaissance College, Hong Kong. we are supposed to teach staff and students the language of the new media, and as we haven't yet found the right expression or name for our position, we just call us for the; "new media monks", as a line back to the mideavel, where people often had go to the monks, if they wanted to have something read or written, as they wasen't able to read or write themselves.
This may be a little boring to many people as it could seem a little esoteric, and maybe only can be understand by my former colleagues at the Medienkulturzentrum in Dresden. In fact they have their 10th year birthday here in September and October, and now I am building the same kind of thing -in a smaller scale- at a school here in Hong Kong, it's kind of odd, isn't it?
But any way, that is another story, but hereby I really want to congratulate them back there, and hope they have had some good celebrations, and I'm very sorry I couldn't be there.

Back to here and now. Compared to Germany the schools here in Hong Kong seems to be better of, when it comes to computer equipment and software. Renaissance College, for instance, is sponsored by Apple Macintosh, and they provide the school with the machines they need, and do all kind of service and updates on all the staffs personal laptops, as well as on the laptops of the secondary students, like on the desktop computers placed in the hubs at all year levels in the primary, and in all department of the secondary school.
On our first day we got 6 G5 power Mac's delivered into the empty room and then we started to organize and install these machines, in the way it would be the most suitable for the work we are going to do, teaching graphic design and publishing and of course what I'm going to do; Film, TV and online editing with Final Cut. This sight of the empty boxes might make some a little envy.
The next weeks will be busy quite busy, as we have to get us self and the Studio known across the school and it's over 120 teachers and 1600 students. But I'm certain that that
will be some exiting weeks, and when it comes up and running, it wont not look as empty as here where Noah is setting up some of the machines, and I will post some of the podcasts, some short feature film and some documentaries being made there, on this site as they get's developed.
I also have a plan to create a youth edition for a school wide television format, and hope that some of the productions could be part of a project of making video letters about being young in Hong Kong, and then exchange these with young film makers productions in -let's see- Dresden, or where ever some groups of young people makes films about their own neighbor hood or the city they live in, and want to share these with other young people somewhere in the world. So if you make short films and are interested showing these to young people in Hong Kong, just place a comment under this post with an e-mail address.


Anonymous said...

hej Jørn, common ca va? jeg har læst din sidste blog artikel og vil bare sige tilykke. Jeg tænker på dig når du nu begynner i din job igen. jeg glæder mig til og hør om hvordan de unge hongkonginesen er til og lave film. ich hab franzøsisch kurs angefangen und heute morgen waren wir bei der jordmor. alles laeuft wie geschmiert und bald werden wir eltern. ich weiss das laesst bei dir die arschhaare aufstehen. viele gruesse aus aarhus, und leider mache ich keine kurzfilme sonst haette ich die gerne gezeigt. viele gruesse.

Anonymous said...

Da hat ja jemand inzwischen gut dänisch gelernt!

Anonymous said...

Medientraktor.net - organisation for media education and international collaboration.
Just a question of funding. Which is quite easy. Don't you think?