Friday 29 November 2013

<div style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 18pt;">The last Friday before December.</span></div>

On Sunday it is the first Sunday in advent. Means another year has gone past just like that. 2013 becomes 2014 in about one month. Can't say that I am sad about that. 2013 has not been a special good year for me health wise and I only hope it has something to do with the number 13 and that it will improve from 2014.

My day today was a nice and relaxing one. Still on sick leave from falling ill on Tuesday, I have spent this beautiful Friday at home, with the balcony doors wide open upon the sunny November day and the hills around and sea in front our little village. Yellow Bamboo Bay is the English translation, Wong Chuk wan the original Cantonese name.

It is a little chilly, but in the sun it is doable and quite nice and warm. The next days are going to be like this, so we cannot complain about the weather. Tomorrow is yet another Christmas fair at our school, which again is another indicator that the year is fading to an end.

Today's view from our roof-top! I know. It is nice!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Room With a View. Vol.5.

This has started to be a little series, haven't  it? However where the other rooms with views were intentional, this last one was not, defiantly not.

This week Wednesday I was supposed to go on a trip to China with year 6 classes, but what happened on Tuesday afternoon?

I fell sick in an art class and had to go to emergency with chest pain. And I got hospitalized. So now the trip to China has to go on without me.

What is it all then. Yes, this is the view from the hospital room I was in for two nights. 

And now to the best of it all, they say I do not have heart decease and there should be no danger for cardiac arrest for me, which is always what you fear when it comes to pain in the chest.

Sure all that is good, I still have to cope with hypertension and high chlolesterol.

Monday 25 November 2013

Village in morning light.

When was the last time someone said that they liked the winter? Well, I do. I like the winter, the Hong Kong winter that is. a Maybe it is more autumn than winter just now. Maybe the winter is in January and February, and then I can say that I really don't like it.

But now should be winter. We have then end of November and the weather is gorgeous. 

Like this from our village in the morning, when I am out at the road, waiting for a bus or a lift to work.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Room With a View. Vol.4.

Another day, another view. My attendance at the workshop on the 25 th floor ended yesterday, so this morning it was back to the good old view from my own house. It is also towards the water, but slightly different looking at the surrounding houses.

As shown, the weather started from its absolute best side this Sunday. Nice, warm and dry. Like the best of the Northern European summer, and we are at the end of November.

This is the absolute best time of the year to live and be in Hong Kong.

Saturday 23 November 2013

A Room With a View. Vol.3

Saturday morning. Same room same view. Same same but different. A bit. Later it will look different again. Depending on the sky above Hong Kong.

Friday 22 November 2013

Room With a View. Vol.2

The same view 3 hours later.

A Room With a View.

Good morning world. This morning I went the opposite way than usual when I go to work, and now I have found myself somewhere at Hong Kong island, in the 25th floor of a building. I had a little walk around on the floor and found a room with this view at Victoria harbour.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Half a dozen cutie points or more?

Our little village has got a quite big family of village cats. You meet them in the morning and the evening, either sleeping in the plant pots or playing catch me if you can with each other or their own tail.

Growing up on a farm in a wee hamlet in Denmark, we always had cats around and I cannot resist cats, so I always carry a bag of cat treats in my bag, to feed them if they are around.

The family who has them, or in which shed they were born, are going to desex them, I've been told, and that is good, otherwise we could soon have a problem with too many of them around.

This morning I found these two kittens sleeping together under a little tree in a plant pot.
