Wednesday 8 August 2012

Everyday life in our town.

Being away for the summer did not only add new experiences and new sights to my life and mind, it also enabled me to see what we have here in our town, that is special and unique. Like for example all the dried food they prepare on the street. And the good thing is; no one mess it up or try to take it away or steel it.

Yatzy Ultimate

I just scored 491 points on Yatzy Ultimate.

I am one of those guys who like to show that an e-mail is Sent from my iPad.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Mindless post!

Having sweaty feet wearing flip-flops, is that possible? I am just asking because I have been having this the last days, and I cannot recollect having been sweating at my feet when wearing flip-flops ever.

At the time the heat and humidity is at a level unimaginable for northern Europeans, and leaving the air conditioned houses leaves one with sweat running down the body, in only a matter of minutes. The humidity prevents the sweat from drying, so your clothes just feels damp and sticky. And so does the feet in -if you can say that- the flip-flops

I am one of those guys who like to show that an e-mail is Sent from my iPad.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Hot Hong Kong

Back in Hongkers for over one week now. Last Wednesday as we arrived, Hong Kong was still suffering from the mighty typhoon that struck the previous week-end. What we witnessed was the devastation the typhoon had brought along. Damaged trees and signs everywhere. On the roads lay branches and Leeds that the wind had blown apart, it looked like they'd been through a salad sling and just dropped all over. Wet green salad covered roads buildings. And the rain just continued for days and days. t was a time to stay in, which was fine as we had been shifting location for a whole month before, so it was nice to relax and just sit down, and to wear some other clothes than what had been put in the backpacks, and had to last for one month on the road.
The last couple of days -since Sunday to be precise- a heat wave has settled over the territory, with temperatures up to 34 degrees centigrade, so now it is the opposite. You stay in because it is to hot. well, I prefer that to the rain as you can get out, just not for so long -and like in the rain- you also get drenched, now just by sweat.