Friday 24 May 2013

Macau on a Friday.

Has been a crazy busy week with the first black rain warning in our Hong Kong time, which meant a day of work for us, even we didn't realise it and both went to work. Now we have escaped to Macau for the week end, and have just finished a nice meal at A Lorcha restaurant. Good.

Friday 17 May 2013

Do you know what?

This is a new way to publish posts to blogger.nIt is an app for IPad, and I am only testing how it is working. 
Apps for iPads has been one of the main reasons why I am not so active on blogs anymore. I am trying out heaps of apps for mobile devices and then as it is, I get addicted and absorbed by the fun and ease of iPad apps. 
This app is called post, and should allow you to acces your different blogs, create and edit posts and publish from this platform. Let us see if it is working? For now I have some problems with the formatting and setting up the text rubric. 
The app wouldn't let me choose the options in the menu, as to adjust fonts, size, links and text orientation. Have had this frustrating experience very often when trying to use the iPad for creating stuff. Well, I sorted it out. The problem was that I was writing the headline rubric, and therefor could not choose anything.
By the way, the picture I've added, is from the Kraftwerk concert I went to last Saturday here in Hong Kong. Was good, even that I can't really tell if they were really playing or just standing behind their funny desks and acting. The 3 d effects were great though, and we were all wearing the kind of 3D glasses used in the fifties and sixties, when the movie industries had a go at 3D technology the first time.