Tuesday 10 June 2008

Black rain is nearly like under the sea.

Well sorry for that again. One week ago I promised to show you Catriona as a jellyfish and myself as a drowned buccaneer tomorrow or maybe Monday, but now it is Tuesday and a week later and who cares about that now where the Euro 2008 finally has started and there should be more important things to write about on this page than eople wearing silly costumes in the streets of Central district in Hong Kong.
But promised is promised so here here you go, impressiones from the "under the sea" pub crawl event for one week ago.Catriona wasn't really a jellyfish though, more like a plankton with a green wig, here she's cuddled up with Larissea the coral reef.My ship went down in the south sea and left me alone with some of the inhabitants.Later I found one of my mates I'd lost as our ship; "Fortune of ST. Pauli" went down. He now joined in with this little clown fish so we separated again a bit later as these orange sea anenome joined the under water world, as it were a sign for a later fortune for "oranje" against la squadra azzurra.It is quite obvious here o this foto that the squadra azzurra -here symbolized by the little blue Smurf, trying to make an impression on the orange wall.

Black Rain.
Later the wet element came from above. It is really the wet season now and the weather has been extremely wet the last couple of days. And the culmination came on this Saturday morning with the first black rain warning during our time here in Hong Kong was risen. Black rain is it called when they expect more than 70 mm an hour or more. When this warning comes up everybody is advised to say indoor and schools and stuff will close until the warning is cancelled. There is two more levels; red and amber rain. Unfortunate it came on a Saturday, so we didn't get an extra day of. It is difficult to illustrate how much water really came down, but all over Hon Kong there was flooded areas and even big landslides and blocked roads.This might give some impression of the amounts of water coming down during the black rain warning. In front of our house we have this little canal for the water from the mountains to run down. Normally there is no water running down, so here you can see the result of the black rain, and the picture is taken more than one hour after the warning had changed. It is still hot though, so it feels like going out in a sauna and in minutes you are drenched, either by rain or sweat.
Yesterday; Monday was a holiday and it was the day of the Dragon boat festival, and that is going to be our next story, and some readers from Dresden might know what I am talking about when I say Dragon boat, so stay tuned - and today I will not say when you can expect more.
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