Sunday 29 June 2008

29th of june 2008. The final day.

Don Muecke & Sancho Miguellos a german - spanish friendship. But how long?In the last post I mentioned that soon on this blog you could enjoy the adventures of Don Muecke and Sancho Miguellos in the south eastern part of Spain. Here you can see them at a football tounament in Dølschen just after Sancho Miguellos made sure that he had come in Dresden ("Aeh, Ich bin in Dresden gekommen, valle!"). Well so far, there has been nothing coming from them about their latest adventure as I'm still waiting for their first report. So today I'll put the focus on another German - Spanish event taking place this very evening of June the 29th 2008 at 8.45 pm CET in Vienna, Austria; The Euro Championship 2008 Final in football.

Germany vs. Spain or Wagner vs. Don Quixote! What ever that means?
As I've been living in both countries I have a certain knowledge of the different cultures and to the people living there and so it could be difficult for me to support one of them. As in any other newspaper or football magazine today the will be made a lot of analyzes of the two teams today; who is maybe in advantage where and why and any tiny aspect of this match will be put into focus to keep the fans calm and certain that their team will win to night.
I'm not going to do quite that, I'm going to make some other comparisons between today's finalist's to find out who could be in advantage that way.

Odd breakfast!
In Germany you can have White sausages with sweet mustard, a salty breezel and a wheat beer for break fast.
These sausages contains no preservatives and therefor they have to be eaten before noon. You peel the skin of them, ditch them and the breezel into the mustard and then you rinse it down with a sip of the wheat beer.
A tip how to cook and to eat the Weisswurst from you tube.

In Spain you can order a portion of Churros with a thick cup of chocolate. Churros is a kind of pancake dough, Its surface is ridged due to being piped from a churrera, a syringe with a star-shaped nozzle, into boiling oil and deep fried to a crunchy consistency. It is then ditched into the hot chocolate and eaten bit by bit.

Advantage: As it was only between these two dishes, Germany is in advantage because of the healthier nutrition facts and the better sound- and camera work. In a comparison between the German and the Spanish cuisine in general, there is not doubt that I will put the Spanish up front.

Flag and national anthem:

Two colors -red and yellow with a nice logo or weapon in the middle and the anthem decent and harmonic.

Nearly the same colors as Spain, just add black and turn the order around and then you have Germany. The anthem is just a little to serious and just too bombastic.
Germany could be in advantage because of the extra color but is not, the composition of the Spanish flag is well balanced and leave the eye some rest. the black part of Germany's flag let's the composition fail as the color is to dominant and heavy to be put on top.
Advantage Spain.

With this Final Germany has been in the Finals for the European cup 6 times and won 3 of them. Spain has only been in 2 Finals and only won it ones and that was back in 1964. That could also be an advantage for Germany. But statistics doesn't really matter in Football and we could also say that Germany has won so many times and now, 44 years after the last triumph it could be Spain's turn again to win something. That is also not fair, so I will talk about the quality of football played by the two teams so far in the tournament, and here there is no doubt; the Spanish team has played the most attractive and as well succesfull football of all teams so far. With 10 straight wins in the qualification as in the tournament, they deserve to have reach that final and they certainly deserve to win it, if they manage to put out the same sort of performance as in the recent games. So to all my friends in Germany who might read this; Sorry, but tonight I really wish that Spain will be the new European Champions. I will put on my Spanish shirt and go to watch the game with my German friend Ralf at a friends house tonight and then we will see whats going to happen. And then something for Germany to be proud of; Your team has been in 6 of the 12 European finals so far, that's a 50 percent record, and as you say there; "Hut ab".

The final day.
This is not only ment for the football and the final today, no it is also our final day for a while here in Hongkers. We are leaving for our European holiday tomorrow and we are both looking forward to that.I will try to keep on posting things as we come along on our journey through England, Scotland and Denmark. We hope we can manage to go for a visit to Dresden also, but at this point we are not sure, and it might also be ok, because as I have revealed my sympathies in tonight's game, I might have no friends in Germany and Dresden anymore.
Have a nice summer and visit this page again for the incredible adventures of Don Muecke & Sancho Miguellos Botella; if they still are talking to each other after tonights result.
007 -alt

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