Tuesday 12 May 2009

Who's that guy to the right?

Manila international airport on Saturday morning. Just arrived and confused. Where to get our luggage and wonder where to find Simon, who was going to pick us up. All these questions in a strange airport when visiting the first time.
In front of us a huge crowd slowly build up and surrounding one guy. Suddenly everybody started to get their photo taken with this guy, who seemed to enjoy the fame a bit. Bob and I looked at each other; "her must be famous".
"Is that a famous guy?" I asked a lady in the crowd.
Unable to speak because some kind of numbness had hit her as she couldn't believe her luck that morning, she just nodded.
"He's famous" - so we got in line for a photo with this -for us- unknown star.
"Where do you come from?" He asked Bob.
"I'm from Canada".
"Oh," the star said; "I'm going there on tour soon".
And then it was my turn.
"Where do you come from?" Star asked ritually.
Please don't say that you're going there as well I thought to myself.
"Oh, I going there soon, we're on a tour." Star said.
Right and my name is Jackson and I used to be white.
"Your kidding me, what a coincidence, but thank you for the photo!"
We got out of there and met Simon. He was kind of strange and he kept looking in a certain direction. I followed his eyes and saw that he also looked at the "Star" we've just met, as he was outside now as well.
Simon tried to get a picture of him with his mobile phone from the distance.
"Hi Simon do you want a Photo together with that guy, we've just done it, and then you should say that you come from Poland, and I bet you he'll say that he will go there soon on tour."
I was sure he was a fake and just said that to be friendly, or to seem more famous.
"But he is quite famous, he is the new lead singer from the American band Journey, and he is one of the biggest stars in the Philippines."

I've been looking on youTube to find out something about the Band Journey and then this guy, and look at this.

Yes, that's him, and how he became the lead singer for Journey, a young guy from the Philippines?
They saw him on youTube singing cover versions of their songs and hired him. More here!

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