Friday 1 May 2009

Sai Kung gets an opera house -for a while.

Last year in May I wrote about this the first time. In one weeks time a group of workers build a complete opera house just out of bamboo.
The building covers half the basket court, blocks a street and a half parking lot.
It is for the"Queen of heaven" Chinese opera, and should ask the gods to give the right weather for the coming harvest; not too much rain and not too much sun.
Soon the performances will start and every night for about a week there will be a show. It is free and around the opera house there will be a load of small stalls, offering various things to eat. It is like a little festival.
The actors is very friendly and they allow you to go back stage and see them doing their make up in the dressing rooms, so for a lot of people this is a good photo opportunity.

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