Wednesday 20 May 2009

Film post -not from- but about Cannes.

He has done it again the danish film maker; Lars Von Trier, who quite often before has made some kind of scandal or minor riots at the Cannes film festival. This time again because of the new film of his; "Anti Christ" with Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsborough in the two leading -and only- role's.
Again he has made a controversial movie and usually these divides the audience and the critics in two major groups, either you love his work or you hate it, there is no in between. And like so often before, his press conferences at Cannes are as obscene and controversial as his films, as all the haters want's to ask why on earth he is doing films like that, and he is not to bothered, and ofcorse he claims to be the best director in the world, like you can see in this clip from the press conference from Politiken TV.
Lars von Trier. Photo: CHRISTIAN GEISNÆS

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