Saturday 30 May 2009

Do you speak danish?

Rokni Haerizadeh

"Born in nature"
Oil on canvas, 2008
200 X 300 cm
Courtesy of the artist & Gallery 21

"God morgen, snakker i dansk?"
It is a new morning, it is Saturday and we are getting ready for a little run. i'm ready but Catriona is looking for her socks, so I guess I have time for a little post.
The sentence up at the beginning is in Danish and means; "good morning, do you speak Danish?"
I've never postedd something in Danish here yet, but maybe I'm going to in a while. Not always, but just sometimes so I do not forget how it is to speak -and write- in Danish. And I guess I have to pratice somehow in the future, as I'm going to participate in a new blog in a Danish newspaper, where Danish people living abroad writes about their live in the strange and foreign Contries.
When I have my first post I'll let you know where and how to find it.

1 comment:

algoriddim said...

Ja men det lyder godt. Er det til POLITIKEN? hvornår starter det? Hilsner herfra Århus. Jeg er på barsel nu og op til midt i januar. Malte kan sidde og får hans første måltid siden to dage. Hirsegrød.
Vi er glæd fr at være samme så meget tid.

Hilsen til jer to i det fjerne.