Saturday 16 May 2009

Awsome digital carousel!

In the 80ties the movie Blade Runner came up with some stunning and quite fantastic visions about the future. Especially there is this scene in the movie where Harrison Ford ,as Dectective Rivk Deckard, finds a photo and then via some amazing digital effects can zoom in on a special detail in that photo, even that this detail is behind something in the foreground, but anyway, he can zoom in to this small detail so close that he can see and read some small numbers which then turn out to be an important clue. At that time I remember thinking; "Well great, but that isn't possible".
Then now 20 something years later, take a look at this little film directed by Adam Berg.

I found this clip on a blog I visit and read quite often from a swedish artist called Mia Makila, and a link to her blog you can find here.

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