Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The hard life of a blogger.

Tai wan village at 6 am HK time.
Admitted; I've had plenty of time to work on this blog the recent year. As a member in the so called lucky bastard club -this means husbands, who's wife is working, and they are not- I have been able to devote my time between being a home working husband, and when that was done I could do some of the stuff I couldn't do -or didn't find any time to do- before when I was working full time in Dresden. And one of these things might have been doing a blog. To be a blogger also means to read a lot of other blogs -I guess- to be inspired and to see which gadgets and widgets they all use and then add the most fancy ones on the own blog. And there is loads of stuff out there to make sure that bloggers also also is confronted with the choices of real life. It is just like clothes; Wauw, he or she has got this or them gadgets and that layout, that look better than mine and by the way, I think I need one of those counters that shows a little flag indicating where the readers (all) come from. And as it is with clothes, sometimes you just need to see something new, also when you are stuck in front of your own blog (nearly) everyday. So here it is; the new layout of your favorite traktorinhongkong blog. I hope you'll like it, and if not; just read it anyway, as you'll get use to it.
But what does bloggers often do or which gadgets
do they add. Well on a lot of blogs I've seen lists of favorite films, music, books and what ever subject, where we think that we show our character and lifestyle by pointing out a favorite. I've even seen one who put a list called: "Books on my bed table."
Could that be an idea. I went to my bed to have a look. No certainly not could that what i found there be worth a list. I found a pile of old news papers, some old magazines, two comics and -ok then- two books. But now I'm at it I might as well tell what it all is.
The news papers are all sport sections from South China Morning post form the last two weeks, as we -see previous posts- couldn't see any of the Olimpics live in TV, so I've been updated by those papers. Then there is some running magazines, the Triathlete's world -I wonder why-, an issue of our local Explore Sai Kung magazine and a German magazine; "Stern" from 28th of february 2008, which was left here in March by two visitors from Germany. The 2 comics are both "Steen & Stoffer" (Calvin & Hops) from Bill Waterson, and finally the books: "The long march" from Sun Shuyun and "Gweilo" from Martin Booth. They have been there for ages, or not really that long, I took them on holiday to Europe this summer because I thought I might find some time, you know; holiday, relax, having time :-) and then I put them back there at my bed when we came back and I sorted out my suitcase, without having read one single sentence all summer. And now the books are going back there again -just in case, but see now what has happened. By starting to think about this, I've sorted out my old pile at my bed table and you see; another piece of housework is completed and that just because of a blog.

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