Monday 28 July 2008

Applause for the sunset.

We're at the north western part of Jutland in Denmark. It's about 10.15 pm and we're standing outside the "Solnedgangs kiosken (sunset kiosk)" in Gammel Skagen and are watching the sunset together with hundreds of other tourists, who found their way here to celebreate this stunning view. They even did applause it when it was over -like it was a concert- before heading back to the redwine bottles and the barbeque in their respective holiday homes. Because this is now what Skagen is all about, having holiday. About hundred years ago this city was a small fishing village and the inhabitants was poor and hard working fishermen who lived in their small houses between the sand dunes at this, the most nothern point of the kingdom of Denmark. Up here Denmark becomes a very narrow tongue of land, squezzed in between the two seas, "Kattegat" to the east and "Skagerak" -which is the nothern part of the North Sea- to the west. At the very north those two seas meet at a point called "Skagens gren"(branch of skagen), and since half a century this phenonomen of nature, has drawn tourist from all over the world to this remote place, and what for more than hundred of years ago was a village filled with poor fishermen struggling with the hard sea, is today the mayby most exclusive and fashionable place in Denmark to spend your holiday. At the very top of Jutland. Standing in the water looking south, you can see how the land get wider, while you are struggling with the waves of the two seas clashing and with the other hundreds of people, to get out there. Henrik, Lone and Catriona among the other hundreds of people at the gren. But how do hundreds, even thousands of people a day get out there? Looking to the Gren from the south.
You can't drive by car so you have either to walk the maybe one and a half or two kilometers from the parking lot, or you can take "Sand ormen"(the sand worm), which I think is a brilliant idea. it's a cool tractor bus which runs like a shuttle bus all day long from the parking lot, over and through the dunes to the tip, spitting out thousands of visitors in the sand.So this "Sand orm" is at the same time todays traktor. if you are wondering about the clear blue sky, yes the summer is in Denmark right now, and it is very beautyful and hot.

The story from Skagen will be continued and you will get some answers about this sanded Church, see some fish dishes and get to know a lot more about these three kings in the sand dune--and of course you will know who won our own little bicycle tour -the TRAK-TOUR- which led us from place to place on the top of Jutland--and you will get to know which informations Catriona gave to the famours danish filmmaker and tour de france expert, Jørgen Leth, with whom she got ther photo taken. It is Catriona -wearing sunglases-to the right .

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