Friday 30 May 2008

Celebrating Leslie's birthbay with a young Bud Spencer, the probably biggest Margarita, mexican cuisine and why Hong Kong becomes too small for me?

Like always on this site; better late than never. An honest; it is a week ago today but anyway. Our good college -Lesley Stellwagen - celebrates her birthday in Wan Chai, and it most be published here on this site.Leslie (to the left) can't really decide if she should take another Tequila, Kerri tries to convince her maybe not to, as the night is still young. Location: Restaurant "Coyote" on Lockhart Road in Wan Chai. Even that her surname is as German as it is: "Stellwagen" then she is American and on her first international job. So on this evening she was surrounded by folks from New Zealand, China, USA, England, Scotland, Australia, Holland and Denmark to celebrate in a Mexican place in Hong Kong. It was a night of many surprises. Next to me I recognized the young Bud Spencer but it later turned out to be Leslie's boyfriend Jason, whom I in fact knew, but couldn't recognize because of the similarity to the previous mentioned film star. As I told him about the similarity he -to my big surprise- said; "Bud Spencer; who's that?" As I tried to explain the Trinity Brothers and all the other masterpieces of the film history, he still looked like it was all strange to him, I realized that there is another world beyond growing up in the 70ties. But to all others; isn't this the young Bud Spencer? If you don't know Bud Spencer, then please click HERE.
And then in best Trinity brother style, the biggest Margarita I've ever seen came on to the table and that seemed to please everybody.Paul, a kiwi rugby player just manage to grab the big bowl, before he, Grant, Jonathan and Kelsey tries to finish it of.Which they couldn't, so we had to stay about an hour more, where we all tried our luck, but the mix seemed to be without a bottom.Even Nanette and Catriona had to give up against that monster Margarita, but as we were a lot at the table we managed to finish that thing and then we walked out in the streets of Wan Chai.

Wan Chai is one of the most famous districts of Hong Kong Island and also because of it's red light district. There you find a lot of bar's mainly for single men and where the word; "lap top" could mean something completely different, but you can also find a lot of decent bars to go to and listen to some live music. And so we did after the dinner and the monster margarita.
On the way Catriona ad I sort of lost our companions because of a phone call, but phoning Jason lead us on the right thread: "we are in a bar where old men plays Rock 'n roll" he said, and by following his instructions we entered a very small bar with a band playing. As I walked in and looked up to the stage I felt that Hong Kong was a bit to small for me?????
To really understand this, should go back and read the last post from Macau, the part with the rock band, and then study the picture. Do you see somebody with very long Grey unhealthy hair on that photo. Well then try o go back and then afterwards compare to this picture:Leslie grooving out with the band.
As I came into the bar and recognized the same musician that I've seen -or heard- in Macau, I felt real funny, and as he recognized me as well and we shook hands, and all my mates asked me: "DO YOU KNOW HIM?" Then I had to tell them the same story as I just told you.
The world is just a small place and you always get surprised what can happen to you. At the end of the evening -or night- Leslie forgot about that.Leslie keep on rocking, but as I saw her again she was fine. Another thing; the old guys playing rock 'n roll - did a very good job.
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