Saturday 11 April 2009

Traktor in New Zealand

Ahoj every where, here is the first post from the southern hemisphere, ever. We are all safe and sound here in New Zealand. We, means me, my two colleagues Lesley and Jason and our 35 youngsters.
We have been in Christchurch for one night and half a day before flying down to Queenstown, from where I post this.

In Christchurch we visited the Antartic center and stayed for 10 minutes in a storm room, where we felt how an Artic storm feels. Brrrrr. And we got a ride with the Haagland artic car, and that was like sitting in a rollercoaster, just a bit more bumpy.
We've been on a Steam ship on the Lake Wakatipu, and this morning on horse bacfk through some of the locations used by Peter Jackson in the movie the "Lord of the rings".

Me on my horse called Che.
Later attractions will be Jet boat cruise, Bungy Jump (help, as I am not sure if I really dare to do this, but let us see) and some other exciting stuff.
The firrst impression of New Zealand is possitive, and it reminds me a lot of Scotland, just a bit mor spectacular maybe, and the weather is like that of Scotland and Scandinavia as well, just it is now the beginning of authum down here, and up there it is the beginning of spring.
I'll try to keep you posted, but can't promise how frequent it is going to be, as I have to see if I can find some free time and an Internet Cafe, but in 2009 this doesn't seem to be the biggest problem in this world as global village.

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