Thursday 23 April 2009

If this should be of any interest?

"Twitter & Facebook" or what it is all called which people today spend there time doing to be connected.
I'm not going to be a "Twitter", I mean who would be interested in knowing that I've just put another 3 second dissolve between two shots to show a change of location, or faded down audio track 2 because of a disturbing female voice.
I think it is a bit scary that people does things like t hat, because to do it probably you need to be online and at your computer all the time, and as far as I'm concerned, nothing much exciting can happen in your life to tell about if you sit there all the time.
Anyway if you want to know, then I've just eaten breakfast -porridge, and am on my way to work, and now I'm logging out and turning my computer down.

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