Saturday 26 October 2013

<div style="text-align: right;"><span style="font-size: 18pt;">A different perspective.</span></div>

It is not always you get to chose your own perspective, is it. The way you look at things may vary but how often do one get to spend time enjoying a perspective that is commonly unused. 

This weekend I had such a possibility. I got to spend time and watch from a place that is normally not used as a viewpoint, not even a place where people come. I am at my working place but are sitting on the top of an exit door from our gym. A kind of "not" space. It is a space yet, a kind of a platform, but a platform without any purpose, other than to be the roof over an exit. 

Why am I sitting here right now? Good question. 

At this weekend we are hosting an international volleyball tournament and we are filming all games to make them accessible for people from the schools that have travelled here from many different places.

So this "not" space hs become a camera plat form and does in fact offer quite a good view to one of the. courts.

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