Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Early Morning message!

Naturally it depends where you are on the globe, if this is an early morning message or midnight message or even early evening. Here it is a quarter to seven and I slowly getting ready for a new day at the office, so to speak.
Hong Kong has turned it self into winter time again; means that it is now at it's best.
The maniac humidity and extreme temperatures has gone, and it fells now like the best of a northern European summer. In the morning a bit chilly but when the sun gains its strength in the morning, it becomes nice and warm, where the temperature will goup to about 27 degrees. All the small annoying biting sandflies and midgees has also vanished, so now one can leave the house, waering shorts and t-shirt, without any insect repellent.
At last; just saw in the morning news that China are going to do a dor to dor peoples count, and they will finish this in only ten days, to get an acurate number of the population in this huge country. Imaging a dor to dor count of over a billion people; I wonder howmany they'd send out counting?

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