Monday, 31 December 2007
The Hanoi dairy- last page in 2007
Saturday, 29 December 2007
The Hanoi dairy; Temple of litterature, Koto restaurant, the traffic and the Hanoi haircut
Even the roof of a Temple for Confusius needs repairing, so the work man found a ladder from the opening of the Temple in 1070.In one of the rooms we were invited to listen to some traditional Vietnamese music and because the musicians were affraid we would forget about it, they suggested that we should buy a copy of their CD.The KOTO restaurant is located just outside the temple and it is a project where street children gets the chance to be trained and educated as cooks and servants in a restaurant.
Friday, 28 December 2007
The Hanoi dairy; out on Sightseeing - again.
We are going out on the countryside
We are going on an excursion to Hay Long bay on Sunday. We are going to cruise on a boat between some very nice rocks who is known from lots of movies.From the official residential areals of Hanoi, we went back to the more lively neigbourhoods. Through the tacky stationeri shop street, the toiletpaper shop street, sticky sweet lollypop shop street, we came to a little shop in the travel agency street, where we went in to hear what and where they could send us for a reasoneble price for two days and one night.This ofcourse; you can read about later. I just want you to look at the background of our friendly salesman, then you know where the painter Neo Rauch got his inspirationTodays TrakToor.
Could as well be todays electrical connections, and I think it is going to be, because they are as interesting like TrakToors. And I just can't stop imagine how a german electric controll man would react on this?Or think about this one from the official area with the portrait of Mr. Ho Chi Minh in the background.At the end of today I can only recomend Vietnam as a place to visit. It is bueatyful, different, strange and totally geil. Thats it for today.
Thursday, 27 December 2007
We are milionaires!!
Two latte's cost us 75,000, a taxi into town was 44,000, beef noodles for 2 and a beer cost us 74,000 and Jorgen bought 2 Vietnam caps for 40,000 from a very persistent little woman who followed us all around Hanoi gradually dropping her asking price from 60,000!!
There are lots of shops selling original and copied art work, chopsticks, lacquered bowls,teapots, shawls, silk clothes, t-shirts, little magnetic dolls.... Then there are the many street vendors with fresh bananas, durian, mangoes, avocados, oranges. Everyone wants to sell you something or rent you a moped!!
Today's TrakToor is infact myself carrying goods around the streets of Hanoi with a traditionel Vietnamese carry thing.
Hanoi - here we are
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
25th December 007 -Merry Christmas and julefrokost in Hanoi
We got to work on Christmas dinner.........Julia was the vegetable peeler, prawn cocktail and trifle maker. Prawn cocktail as a starter is a time honoured Christmas day tradition in the Hatch family. The starter is famous for its special cayenne pepper seasoning from the ancient Hatch heirloom pepper tin....unfortunately we did not have this special ingredient but the prawn cocktail still tasted magnificent. Jorgen was in charge of stuffing and gravy and I was the chicken seasoner, bread crumb maker, roast potato chef and champagne bottle opener. We really got into the Xmas spirit with our festive head gear and Julia's Christmas cd.
What a team we were, we even found time to go on a short tour of the local area while the chicken and potatoes roasted. A few people found Jorgens fluffy blue antlers funny but the great thing about the Danish is that they just don't give a toss! Todays TrakTOOR is a motorcycle, and we found it in the neigbor hood of Julias house in a backyard.
In the next day's we wil continue our reports from Hanoi and Vietnam where we will stay untill after new year, don't miss it everyday on your own computer.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Et barn er født i Bethlehem
Well, thats it folks. Now it is just to say to you: Enjoy your day where ever you are, don't let your kid's make you stressed, take your time it will be over before you even know.
I am not going to write much today, because we will be leaving soon, I will just post some Christmas photos from Sai Kung today, and as you all will see; nor we will have a white Christmas.Father Christmas is scared of being blinded by the snow in Hong KongThe Christmas market in Sai Kung is not the most impressive and Christmas moody, but it is an attempt and the atmosphere is relaxed, no Gløgg, Rum toddy or hot red wine, just some funny figures, some Chinese hand crafts and some playback stunts on the open stage.
Merry Christmas from Santa at the harbor in Sai Kung.
Catriona met an Indian (native American) yesterday evening as we tried the new Ranch here in Sai Kung. It is called Antony's Ranch and is a real American burger and steak house and the first, except Mc Doof of course.
Antony is an American cook and this is his second restaurant here in Sai Kung. The other one is called; Antony's Catch - and is specialized in Seafood -and is one of the best restaurants we both ever have visited. So now he has opened this Burger and BBQ joint in real western style, so Marlon, Elaine, Denise, Joyce and the other Americans we know; you can come and feel at home by Antony.Antony's Ranch, probably the best burger and spareribs available, and the decoration is great, there is a singing plastic Elvis inside;and a cow with smoke coming out of its nose outside on the facade. But the whole thing needs a couple of years with out any cleaning, with some mega fights and some shooting duells to become like a real wild west saloon. The cow will leads us to todays TRAKTOOR.Is from Bratislava in the republic of Slovakia and send to me by our "Eskapdady" friend Micha.
And thats is about what I know about it.
Sunday, 23 December 2007
I morgen er det Jule aften - der er længe, længe til.
Waechter - Guardians - Vogtere
Wenn mann von der Strasse den aufstieg hoch zur unser Haus anfaengt, steht mann ploetzlich vor einen kleinen Altar. Haufen von Orange und anderes Obst, werden Teaglich dorf aufgebaut und zusammen mit dutzende duftkerzen bilden die, die geschenke fuer die unterschiedlichen Waechter von Tai Wan village.Ich habe mich noch nicht so sehr damit beschaeftigt was die unterschiedlichen waechter alle so machen, aber die muessen fuer verschiedenen sachen gut sein. Ueber all in Hong Kong findet man solche kleine Altaren, und immer sind die mit mit frischen Obst und brennenden Kerzen bestueckt. Auch die meisten private haushalte haben ihr eigene kleinen Altar mit den Waechtern des hauses.
Es gibt hier Hunderte von Waechtern und anderen Helfern die die Menschen von Daemonen schuetyen und zur glueck, gesundheit und Reichtum helfen soll.
Wie zum beispiel die winkenden Goldenen Katzen. Die sind wahrscheinlich auch in Europa weit verbreitet und bekannt. Aber wofuer sind Mitze hier eigentlich gut? Wenn jemand ein neues geschaeft aufmacht, sollte so einen im Lokal aufgestellt werden, weil es anscheinend Kunden und damit umsatz antreibt. Also liebe Leute in Schnurz und anderswo, worauf wartet ihr.
Gestern waren wir mal wieder auf die Insel um ein par kleinikeiten zu erledigen bevor es Morgen in richtung Vietman und Hanoi geht. Ploetzlich wuerde ich gany warm um herz, weil ich im schrecklich stressigen Central district dieses Wort auf eine Fensterscheibe sah.Das geschaeft war doch nicht so interessant wie spaeter einen Antiquitaeten laden mit kitchzigen und witzigen relikten aus die geschichte Chinas, und besonderes die geschichte seit 1947.Ganz besonderes toll fand ich die kleinen Waechern mit Mao wo seinen Arm so herrlich als sekunden Zeiger hin und her flattern, Ich muss mich unbedingt auch spaeter so einen zulegen; gewaeckt werden von Mao's kleinen Roten (Waecker).
Spaeter sah auch Catriona Rot, war aber mehr als Chill out Rot oder wie man das nennen koennte.Morgen ist es also so weit. Wir fliegen nach Hanoi. Ich hoffe das ich auch dort zeit un die moeglichkeit haben um zu bloggen. Wenn nicht wuensche ich allen ein Frohes Fest, ein guten Rutsch und auf wiedersehen in 2008. Ich denke aber das ich auch von Hanoi zeit finde so kuck mal rein wenn ihr lust habt.
Und jetzt der TrakTOOR
Diesmal gefunden auf Island von Steffen und Johanna von TROTZDEM.
Es war in 2004 glaube ich, mehr weiss ich aber nicht mehr, ausser es ist der Aelteste Traktoor Islands gewesen.
Frohes Weihnachtsfest und denkt drann; wenn es bei euch am Heillig Abend um 3 ist und ihr in die Kirche geht, dann sind wir in Hanoi und werdet wohl balds ins Bett gehen, und wir kriegen erst am 25. Dezember keine Geschenke.