Friday, 18 September 2009

21st century learning.

First of all I want to thank Sabrina from "Medienkulturzentrum", who placed comments about our well being after the typhoon, an who also responded earlier at the "lifelonglearnig" post.
It is nice to feel that somebody is really reading this.
Saying this I also want's to pay all respect to the "Medienkulturzentrum", to the "Filmcamp's" project, and to "Medientraktor.e.V., for what they are doing.
They do the right and have done this for many years, because now aspects of this work is the content of a conference here in the south Asia region; called "21st century learning."
People from all over has traveled here for some wise words about technology in schools and in the education, everybody with their own laptop, twitter and facebook account..
I am going to be -or I am a official presenter at this conference, and I have to speak about; "the story in students videos".
I will for sure use all of the experience that i gathered at the; Medienkulturzentrum, for doing so, and in the same breath, say thank you to them for giving me this experience, and for seeing how things is done here, apart from better cover of computers, the considerate use of them was better "back there".
The "Medienkulturzentrum" is -how I see it - still in many ways, one of the front runners of the 21st century learning.
I've just came back from the conferences opening "cocktail evening", and writing this, I'm following a game of pool at my local bar, reflecting of the things I've heard so far at the conference.
Blogging from a bar; so to speak, which also has something to do with the way the 21st century has been kicked of; now you can be online everywhere.


Brini said...

Hey Jørgen and Catriona, thx for your greetings.

I actually read the blog regularly, but had unfortunately not always the time making a comment. Nun bin ich oft zu Hause und schreibe meine Diplomarbeit für die BA :) Es geht um die Mediennutzung unter Jugendlichen im Bereich TV und Video.

Dresden is thinking of you,

algoriddim said...

Stell dir mal vor das du zu dieser Erkenntnis kommst nachdem du um die halbe welt gereist bist.
Lang lebe das Medienkulturzentrum und der Medientraktor e.V.